Influences of the social environment on educational processes of students from different ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds
Subject Area
Educational Research on Socialization, Welfare and Professionalism
since 2023
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 535206806
Children and adolescents in Germany are characterized by increasing diversity, including socio-economic status, ethnic origin and related cultural-linguistic diversity. An immigrant background in Germany is often accompanied by a low socio-economic status; and both individual diversity characteristics are in turn strongly linked to educational processes. Educational outcomes, including educational aspirations of students and their parents, participation in education, as well as classroom and individual learning processes, vary greatly for people of different ethnic groups and socio-economic status, limiting educational equity. Numerous studies showed a relationship between educational processes, students’ individual characteristics and their interaction with the social environment, especially with others persons inside and outside school, such as teachers, peers and siblings. The network consisting of 15 young researchers, some of whom participated in the DFG Young Researchers Academy "Conditions and Processes of Educational Integration of Children and Adolescents with a Migration Background", builds on this starting point. In order to comprehensively investigate the complex interplay between learners and their social environment from different perspectives and thus contribute to the explanation of existing educational disparities, the network members integrate theoretical models and methods from different disciplines, such as psychology, sociology, education, linguistics and educational sciences. In the network, the various theoretical and methodological approaches of the disciplines are linked together with the aim of developing a common theoretical understanding of our research content, defining central concepts and creating an integrative model that presents our research questions in an overall context. In addition, joint project proposals are developed in the network on the basis of this model, and the necessary preliminary work and publications are generated. Over a period of three years, in six working meetings we will strengthen the collaborations between network members, form project groups, and develop new research questions by integrating theoretical approaches. Moreover, we will draft project proposals, plan and conduct preliminary studies, and write first manuscripts. Guests who complement the network in terms of their methodological knowledge and experience in proposal writing and policy advice are invited to individual working meetings. An important long-term concern of the network is to contribute to the integration of all students in the education system and to promote educational equity and equal opportunities.
DFG Programme
Scientific Networks