In this proposal we apply for a major research instrumentation according to Art. 91b of the Basic Law. This will serve to renew and expand the online storage in Heidelberg and Karlsruhe, which emerged from the funding "Large Scale Data Facility (LSDF2)". This online storage is made available to researchers at all universities in the state of Baden-Württemberg. Research data form an indispensable cornerstone of research. In order to further expand the excellent positioning of the universities in the state of Baden-Württemberg in international research competition in the long term, "intelligent" storage resources are essential, which on the one hand optimally support research through a user-oriented support concept, and on the other hand sustainably increase resource efficiency through an efficient operating concept. In life sciences, astrophysics, hydromechanics, medicine, scientific computing, humanities and geosciences, immense amounts of data with explosive growth are generated by the use of modern methods. Examples are microscopy (High Throughput Microscopy, 3D & 4D Fluorescence Microscopy etc.), Next-Generation-Sequencing and numerical simulation (Large Scale Direct Numerical Simulations). Advances in data processing (Data Mining, Remote Visualization) will also further increase the volume of generated data. The renewal and expansion of the existing storage infrastructure applied for here will enable demand-oriented storage of research data for which direct and fast access is required. Fast data transfer, flexible access and deployment, and integration into modern processing and analysis platforms play a central role in that context.
DFG Programme
Major Research Instrumentation
Major Instrumentation
Large Scale Data Facility 3 - Anteil Forschungsgroßgerät (LSDF3-FuGG)
Instrumentation Group
7040 Vektorrechner