Project Details
Die tertiäre Hebungsgeschichte der Alpen
Professor Dr. Wolfgang Frisch
Subject Area
from 2001 to 2008
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5329518
Final Report Year
No abstract available
(2004) DEM-based morphometry as a tool for reconstructing primary volcanic landforms: exampels from the Börzsöny Mountains, Hungary. Geomorphology 63: 25-37
Székely B, Karátson D
(2004): Tertiary burial and exhumation history of basement highs along the NW margin of the Pannonian Basin - an apatite fission track study. Austrian J Earth Sci 95/96: 60-70
Danisik M, Dunkl I, Putis M, Frisch W, Král' J
(2004): Toward a comprehensive provenance analysis: A multi-method approach and its implications for the evolution of the Central Alps. Geol Soc Amer Spec Paper 378: 37-50
Spiegel C, Siebel W, Kuhlemann J, Frisch W
(2006) Cenozoic relief evolution of the Eastern Alps - constraints from apatite fission track age-provenance of Neogene intramontane sediments. Austrian J Earth Sci 98 (2005): 92-105
Dunkl I, Kuhlemann J, Reinecker J, Frisch W
(2006): From source terrains of the Eastern Alps to the Molasse basin: Detrital record of non-steady-state exhumation. Tectonophysics 413: 301-316
Kuhlemann J, Dunkl I, Brügel A, Spiegel C, Frisch W
(2007) Paleogeographic and paleotopographic evolution of the Swiss and Eastern Alps since the Oligocene. Global and Planetary Change 58: 224-236
Kuhlemann J
(2007) Tracing sediment pathways by zircon fission track analysis: Oligocene marine connections in Central Europe. Int J Earth Sci 96: 363-374
Spiegel C, Kuhlemann J, Frisch W
(2008) Thermal evolution of the Ziar Mountains basement (Inner Western Carpathians, Slovakia) constrained by fission track data. Geologica Carpathica 59: 19-30
Danisik M, Kohút M, Dunkl I, Frisch W
Apatite fission track and (U-Th)/He dating of teschenite intrusions gives time constraints on accretionary processes and development of planation surfaces in the Outer Western Carpathians. Z Geomorph NF
Danisik M, Pánek T, Matýsek D, Dunkl I, Frisch W
Miocene emplacement and rapid cooling of the Pohorje pluton at the Alpine-Pannonian-Dinaric junction; a geochronological and structural study. Swiss J Geosciences
Fodor LI, Gerdes A, Dunkl I, Koroknai B, Pécskay Z, Trajanova M, Horváth P, Vrabec M, Balogh K, Jelen B, Frisch W
Pebble population dating as an additional tool for provenance studies - examples from the Eastern Alps. Geol Soc London Spec Publ
Dunkl I, Frisch W, Kuhlemann J, Brügel A