Project Details
Data Practices to Shape Open Access Transformation - Analysis, Recommendation, Training & Networking (OA Data Practices)
Najko Jahn, since 1/2024; Professor Dr. Heinz Pampel; Dr. Mathijs Vleugel, since 11/2024
since 2023
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 528466070
The project "OA Datenpraxis" supports structural development for the Open Access (OA) transformation at the national level. The project addresses the promotion and establishment of processes and procedures for sovereign data practices in interaction with international developments for the OA transformation. The project will support practitioners at academic institutions in professionalizing data practices by promoting the organizational and networking approaches for a model development and for standardization through a coordinated approach. The project will (1) improve data-based governance of the OA transformation; (2) strengthen collaborations for data practices for the OA transformation; (3) develop standards for collaborative data practices for the OA transformation; (4) minimize reliance on commercially owned data sources; and (5) improve skills transfer and related information services on data practices. The project will make a key contribution to the advancement of cross-regional information provision. This will be done through surveys, analyses, validations, and operational recommendations around data practices for the OA transformation. In this context, data practices will be investigated and discussed. Furthermore, practitioners in administration, library, and other services belonging to the information infrastructure will be supported. Based on this work, strategic recommendations for the management level will be developed in a synopsis. The aim is to give an impulse to improve data practices on a national level. The project has a broad impact through transfer and reflection by promoting networking among professionals on relevant topics. The project cooperates with relevant stakeholders and acts openly and transparently in the spirit of Open Science.
DFG Programme
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)
Ehemalige Antragsteller
Roland Bertelmann, until 10/2024; Professor Dr. Wolfram Horstmann, until 1/2024