Theoretische Physik
Final Report Abstract
In summary, the main results of my research have been the following: • I worked on the phenomenology of CP violation and on mixing phenomena in the B system, established or improved the SM predictions, and explored their sensitivity to new degrees of freedom. • I worked on perturbative higher-loop QCD and electroweak comections to rare decays, especially to the inclusive decays, and significantly increased their sensitivity to new physics what is most relevant for present and future B factories. • I produced perturbative algorithms which are equally important in high-pT and flavour physics. • I analysed the unknown nonfactorizable contributions to exclusive B decays beyond QCD factorization. • I established new QCD sum rules within the effective field theory SCET in order to reach a deeper understanding of exclusive modes, a crucial issue to increase the sensitivity for new physics within the forthcoming LHCb experiment. • I designed new observables within the angular analysis of the decay B -> K*l+l- which are highly sensitive to nonstandard physics. • I worked out the concrete constraints of the important benchmark scenario of minimal flavour violation. • I demonstrated the importance of the interplay of high-pT and flavour observables in supersymmetric models. • I worked out new algebraic renormalization methods which are of great relevance for higher-order electroweak corrections to SM observables. • I established the connection between the so-called gauge-fixed cohomology of the operator formulation and the gauge-invariant cohomology of the Batalin-Vilkovisky anti-field formalism.
Forward-Backward-Asymmetry in B → Xsl+l- at NNLL Level. Nuclear Physics B648 (2003) 254-276
A. Ghinculov, T. Hurth, G. Isidori, YR Yao
Nonfactorizable Contributions to B → ππ Decays. JHEP 11 (2004) 037
Th. Feldmann, T. Hurth
On the Landau Background Gauge Fixing and the IR Properties of YM Green Functions. Physical Reviev D70 (2004) 105014
P.A. Grassi, T. Hurth, A. Quadri
The Rare Decay B → Xsl+l- to NNLL Precision for Arbitrary Dilepton Mass. Nuclear Physics B 685 (2004) 351-392
A. Ghinculov, T. Hurth, G. Isidori, Y.P. Yao
Untagged B → Xsl+dγ CP Asymmetry as a Probe for New Physics. Nuclear Physics B704 (2005) 56-74
T. Hurth, E. Lunghi, W. Porod
Light-Cone Sum Rules in Soft-Col linear Effective Theory. Nuclear Physics B733 (2006) 1-30
F. De Fazio, Th. Feldmann, T. Hurth
NNLL QCD Contribution of the Electromagnetic Dipole Operator to B → Xsγ. Nuclear Physics B749 (2006) 325-337
H.M. Asatrian, Th. Ewerth, C .Greub, T. Hurth
The First Estimate of the Branching Ratio of B → Xsγ at Ό(α2s) Physical Review Letters 98 (2007) 022002
M. Misiak et al.