Wave-packet dynamics of photoinduced hydrogen-transfer and hydrogendetachment process
Final Report Abstract
The role of electron- and proton-transfer processes in the photophysics of hydrogen-bonded aromatic systems has been explored with ab initio electronic structure calculations and timedependent quantum wave-packet calculations. Photochemically reactive excited electronic states of 1(pi)σ* or 1(pi)(pi)* character have been characterized for pyrrole, phenol, adenine as well as for hydrogen-bonded aromatic pairs such as the guanine-cytosine and adenine-thymine DNA base pairs. A common feature of the photochemistry of these systems is the electrondriven proton-transfer mechanism: highly polar charge-transfer states drive the proton transfer, which leads to a conical intersection of the Si and So potential-energy surfaces and thus ultrafast deactivation of the excited electronic states. Computational methods have been developed which allow the simulation of these ultrafast and multi-dimensional reaction processes. The results shed light on the specific excited-state reaction mechanisms which are essential for the function of organic photostabilizers and the photostability of biological molecules.
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