Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope

Subject Area Basic Research in Biology and Medicine
Term Funded in 2023
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 527538521

Project Description

Our group is new to the MHH; hence it is essential that we equip our lab with the equipment necessary to continue performing cutting-edge research. We use the model organism Drosophila melanogaster under normal, stressed, and pathological conditions to study the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying human diseases such as muscular dystrophy and neuropathological disorders. The main aim of our research is to explain the cellular processes and signaling pathways that ensure the maintenance and homeostasis of the organism and thus prevent the development of diseases. A confocal laser scanning microscope (LSM) is essential to our research, used in generating up to 80% of our data. For this reason, and since the requested LSM will experience usage nearly all of the daily working hours by our group, it is necessary that we acquire an instrument dedicated for our use. In addition, this microscope will be beneficial to all other groups of the institute for tissue and cell imaging. First, our investigations using this microscope will uncover how stress initiates subcellular phase separation and how miRNAs are involved in a wide range of pathologies in humans. These findings will enable the development of miRNA-based therapeutics for age- and stress-related diseases. Second, a comprehensive analysis of the conserved signaling cascades that induce the formation of an adult stem cell niche and the mechanisms that regulate tissue morphology and differentiation will lead to a better understanding of the principles of organogenesis, which is central to stem cell biology and regenerative medicine. Furthermore, bioengineering of stem cell niches for in vivo engraftment, maturation, and maintenance of stem cells could provide the basis for successful manipulation of organoids and their therapeutic use. The LSM requested here is intended to increase the quality and efficiency of data production. The microscope must meet the requirements of a high-resolution and powerful confocal microscope and should give the applicant group access to the possibilities of faster multi-channel 3D imaging. Therefore, resolution, speed, versatility, flexibility, and ease of use represent paramount requirements. General requirements: the microscope must 1) be usable for both fixed and living tissue; 2) be in an upright orientation; 3) possess ample space below the lens, and this space must be usable in a flexible manner; 4) have both a motorized Z-drive and XY stage; 5) be able to detect at least four fluorophores (e.g., DAPI, GFP, dsRed, and Cy5) with high resolution and sensitivity and with little spectral cross-talk; and 6) achieve a resolution in XYZ directions of 120x120x350 nm, and for live cell imaging experiments, achieve a speed of at least 18 frames per second with an XY resolution of 140 nm or better. It is important that all the information required for the projects we are working on has been included in the offer.
DFG Programme Major Research Instrumentation
Major Instrumentation Konfokales Laser-Scanning-Mikroskop
Instrumentation Group 5090 Spezialmikroskope
Applicant Institution Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Leader Professorin Dr. Halyna Shcherbata