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Hochtemperaturreihen für Random-Bond-Modelle und Spingläser

Subject Area Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Term from 2000 to 2008
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5262038
Final Report Year 2007

No abstract available


  • High-Temperature Series Expansions for Random-Bond Potts Models on Zd. Comp. Phys. Comm. 147, 435-438 (2002)
    M. Hellmund und W. Janke
  • Random-Bond Potts Models on Hypercubic Lattices: High-Temperature Series Expansions. Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 106&107, 923-925 (2002)
    M. Hellmund und W. Janke
  • Star-Graph Expansions for Bond-Diluted Potts Models. Phys. Rev. E67, 026118-1-9 (2003)
    M. Hellmund und W. Janke
  • Geometrical vs. Fortuin-Kasteleyn Clusters in the Two-Dimensional q-State Potts Model. Nucl. Phys. B700, 385-406 (2004)
    W. Janke und A.M.J. Schäkel
  • Phase Transitions in Disordered Ferromagnets. In: NIC Symposium 2004, D. Wolf, G. Münster und M. Kremer (Hrsg.), John von Neumann Institute for Computing, Jülich, NIC Series, Vol. 20 (2003), S. 241-250
    W. Janke, P.-E. Berche, C. Chatelain und B. Berche
  • Fractal Structure of High-Temperature Graphs of O(N) Models in Two Dimensions. Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 135702-1-4 (2005)
    W. Janke und A.M.J. Schäkel
  • Fractal Structure of Spin Clusters and Domain Walls in the Two-Dimensional Ising Model. Phys. Rev. E71, 036703-1-8 (2005)
    W. Janke und A.M.J. Schäkel
  • Geometrical Phase Transitions. Comp. Phys. Comm. 169, 222-225 (2005)
    W. Janke und A.M.J. Schäkel
  • High-Temperature Series Expansions for Random Potts Models. Condens. Matter Phys. 8, 59-74 (2005)
    M. Hellmund und W. Janke
  • Kertesz Line in the Three-Dimensional Compact U(1) Lattice Higgs Model. Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 051601-1-4 (2005)
    S. Wenzel, E. Bittner, W. Janke, A.M.J. Schäkel und A. Schiller
  • Quenched Disordered Ferromagnets. Lattice 2005, PoS (LAT2005) 018-1-22 (2005)
    W. Janke, B. Berche, C. Chatelain, P.-E. Berche und M. Hellmund
  • Vortex Proliferation and the Dual Superconductor Scenario for Confinement: The 3D Compact U(1) Lattice Higgs Model. PoS (LAT2005) 248-1-6
    S. Wenzel, E. Bittner, W. Janke, A.M.J. Schäkel und A. Schiller
  • High-Temperature Expansions for the q-State Potts Model on a Hypercubic Lattice and Critical Properties of Percolation. Phys. Rev. E74, 051113-1-8 (2006)
    M. Hellmund und W. Janke
  • High-Temperature Series for the Bond-Diluted Ising Model in 3, 4 and 5 Dimensions. Phys. Rev. B74, 144201-1-9 (2006)
    M. Hellmund und W. Janke
  • Two-Dimensional Critical Potts and its Tricritical Shadow. Braz. J. Phys. 36, 708-716 (2006)
    W. Janke und A.M.J. Schäkel
  • Spacetime Approach to Phase Transitions. Leipzig/Berlin Preprint (Juni 2006). In: Order, Disorder and Criticality: Advanced Problems of Phase Transition Theory, Vol. II, Y. Holovatch (Hrsg.) (World Scientific, Singapore, 2007), 57 S.
    W. Janke und A.M.J. Schäkel

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