Regulated gene activation and chromatin modification of structural genes of phospholipid biosynthesis in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Final Report Abstract
Regulated expression of phospholipid biosynthetic genes by precursor molecules inositol and choline requires the cis-acting element ICRE ("inositol/choline-responsive element") upstream of target genes and interactions of the heterodimeric ICRE-binding protein Ino2 + Ino4 with repressor Opi1 and a large number of pleiotropic factors. During this period of funding, our work concentrated on the following major problems: • Interaction of Ino2 with basal transcription factor Sua7/TFIIB and its importance for activation of genes involved in phospholipid biosynthesis; • Factors required for mediating an Ino2-derived activation signal to the machinery of RNA synthesis; • Functional domains of Opi1 repressor and subsequent execution of gene repression once Opi1 has been targeted to Ino2 + Ino4 binding sites; • Pleiotropic systems of nutrient sensing and their influence on the generation of activating signals of gene derepression; • Comparative analysis of Ino2 and Ino4 in the yeasts S. cerevisiae and C. albicans, leading to the definition of distinct sets of target genes in both yeasts.
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Hoppen, J.; Dietz, M.; Warsow, G.; Rohde, R. and Schüller, H.-J.: Ribosomal protein genes in the yeast Candida albicans may be activated by a heterodimeric transcription factor related to Ino2 and Ino4 from S. cerevisiae. Mol Genet Genomics 278 (2007) 317-330.
Hoppen, J.; Repenning, A.; Albrecht, A.; Geburtig, S. and Schüller, H.-J.: Comparative analysis of promoter regions containing binding sites of the heterodimeric transcription factor Ino2/Ino4 involved in yeast phospholipid biosynthesis. Yeast 22 (2005) 601-613.
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