This project will focus on the identification of autoantibodies that specifically recognize neurodegenerative disease (ND)-associated proteins such as tau, amyloid-beta (Aβ), TDP-43, α-synuclein and huntingtin (HTT) and their proteotoxic aggregate species. Human autoantibodies, some already identified or cloned in the Prüß laboratory and further ones to be newly discovered in this research unit, will be screened with protein microarrays and CRISPR/Cas9-based flow cytometry approaches to identify their specific target epitopes. After validating the interactions between autoantibodies and their targets with biochemical and cell biological methods, we will develop highly sensitive diagnostic assays for detecting autoantibodies in biofluids, applying established single molecule detection technologies. Finally, we aim to perform proof-of-concept studies with samples provided by our collaboration partners to detect potentially disease-relevant human autoantibodies in serum and/or CSF of patients with NDs. The autoantibody-target discovery platform established here will enable the identification of novel autoantibody epitopes with high relevance to neurodegenerative diseases and foster the development of powerful diagnostic tools for investigation, and eventually, routine testing of clinical samples.
DFG Programme
Clinical Research Units