Die Rolle von Lamininen für Bildung und "Remodeling" von epithelialen Basalmembranen (The role of laminins in the formation and the remodeling of epithelial basement membranes)
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2000 bis 2003
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5250670
The formation of basement membranes requires synchronised production by different types of cells of several matrix components, including laminins, and the organisation of these components into supramolecular assemblies. By interacting with itself, with other matrix components and with cell surface receptors, laminins are pivotal molecules in these processes. However, due to the expression of diverse laminin isoforms, the formation of tissue-specific basal lamina, such as at the dermo-epidermal junction, is not well understood. We plan to use epithelial-mesenchymal co-cultures to follow synthesis, deposition and processing of epithelial laminins. Specific antibodies and laminin recombinant fragments will be used to determine which integrins and which laminin domains are involved in basement membrane assembly. This should help to dissect epithelial/mesenchymal contribution in basement membrane formation.