Time-Space Dependent Multiscale Modelling of the Magnetic Field Using Satellite Data (i.e. CHAMP-data)
Professor Dr. Willi Freeden
Fachliche Zuordnung
Physik des Erdkörpers
Förderung von 2000 bis 2010
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5249766
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
(2001) A Vector Wavelet Approach to Iono- and Magnetospheric Geomagnetic Satellite Data. J. Atm. Solar-Terr. Phys. 63: 581- 597
Bayer M, Freeden W, Maier T
(2001). Multiscale Signal-to-Noise Thresholding. Acta Geod. Geoph. Hung. 36: 55-86
Freeden W, Michel V, Stenger M
(2002) On Multiscale Denoising of Spherical Functions: Basic Theory and Numerical Aspects. Electr. Trans. Num. Anal. (ETNA) 14: 40-62
Freeden W, Maier T
(2003) A Survey on Wavelet Methods for (Geo) Applications. Rev. Math. Compl. 16: 277-310
Freeden W, Maier T, Zimmermann S
(2003) Multiscale Determination of Radial Current Distribution from CHAMP FGM-Data. In: First CHAMP Mission Results for Gravity, Magnetic and Athmospheric Studies
Mayer C, Maier T
(2003) Multiscale Downward Continuation of the Crustal Field from CHAMP FGM Data. In: First CHAMP Mission Results for Gravity, Magnetic and Atmospheric Studies
Maier T, Mayer C
(2003) Spectral and Multiscale Signal-to-Noise Thresholding of Spherical Vector Fields. Comp. Geosc. 7: 215-250
Freeden W, Maier T
(2003) SST-Regularisierung durch Multiresolutionstechniken auf der Basis von CHAMP-Daten. Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten (AVN) 5: 162-175
Freeden W, Maier T
(2003) Wavelets Generated by Layer Potentials. App. Comp. Harm. Ana. 14: 195-237
Freeden W, Mayer C
(2004) Wavelet Modelling of the Spherical Inverse Source Problem with Application to Geomagnetism. Inverse Problems 20: 1713-1728
Mayer C
(2005) Wavelet-Mie-Representation for Solenoidal Vector Fields with Applications to Ionospheric Geomagnetic Data. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 65: 1888-1912
Maier T
(2006) Advanced mathematical tools to describe the geomagnetic field. In: Geomagnetic Field Variations: Space-Time Structure, Processes and Effects on System Earth, Terra Nostra 3: 48-55
Maier T, Freeden W, Mayer C
(2006) Separating Inner and Outer Earth’s Magnetic Field from CHAMP Satellite Measurements by Means of Vector Scaling Functions and Wavelets. Geophys. J. Int. 167: 1188-1203
Mayer C, Maier T
(2006) Wavelet Decomposition of Spherical Vector Fields with Respect to Sources. J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 12: 345-369
Mayer C