High-resolution liquid chromatography mass spectrometry system
Subject Area
Basic Research in Biology and Medicine
Funded in 2023
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 524805621
The Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) is a basic research institute in the field of epigenetics, genome stability, and aging. IMB is equipped with state-of-the-art core facilities, which offer services to the entire scientific community in Mainz. The Proteomics Core Facility (PCF) operates a high-resolution mass spectrometer coupled to a nanoflow UHPLC system. The PCF offers routine services that range from simple gel band identification to quantitative analysis of complex samples. Currently, it supports labelfree, dimethyl-labelled, TMT and SILAC based quantitative proteomic experiments. If further deep proteome analysis is desired, PCF can provide multiple options of off-line protein/peptide fractionation. It also supports SILAC experiments by providing in-house certified reagents and testing incorporation efficiency of the metabolic labelling. In addition, PCF is available to users for consultation on experimental design, troubleshooting and bioinformatics data analysis. The PCF staff consist of both wet- and drylab scientists that possess a broad range of research experience and technical expertise. In order to be able to continue to offer advanced equipment, the current 10-year-old mass spectrometer would have to be upgraded to a new liquid chromatography mass spectrometry system that could cover all the above-mentioned areas of application.
DFG Programme
Major Research Instrumentation
Major Instrumentation
Hochauflösendes Flüssigchromatographie-Massenspektrometer
Instrumentation Group
1700 Massenspektrometer