Background: Due to their ubiquitous and interactive character, mobile media have great potential to overcome the limitations of traditional chronic disease self-management programs. Indeed, evidence syntheses confirm the promising picture of using mobile media for chronic disease self-management. However, they also emphasize limitations: a lack of long-term studies, the neglect of the wide spectrum of mobile features, and the minimal use of theory relevant to understanding effect mechanisms. To gain a conclusive picture, research must integrate theories of continued use (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2, Expectancy-Confirmation Model of Information Systems) and health behavior (e.g., Theory of Planned Behavior, Common Sense Model of Self-Regulation), thus, considering determinants of use and use patterns and connecting them to cognitive, behavioral, and health outcomes over a longer period of time. Further, research needs to address the various channels, features, and characteristics of mHealth within the mobile media ecosystem and consider interpersonal, organizational, and societal contexts. Objectives: IP2: effects aims to (1) systemize the spectrum of mHealth channels, features, and characteristics and extend systemizations of app characteristics to the entire mobile media ecosystem, (2) identify patterns of continued use integrating determinants of use, privacy perceptions, and social influences, (3) analyze the process of effects of mobile chronic diseases management on cognitive, behavioral, and health outcomes considering reciprocal effects and perceived social influences. Work program: IP2: effects will conduct three interrelated studies: (1) A meta-analysis of effect studies on mobile media in chronic disease self-management within the broader mobile media ecosystem, (2) two four-wave panel surveys with individuals living with diabetes and asthma/COPD, respectively, (3) a content analysis of mHealth tools used (based on study 2) using an advanced app quality assessment scale (based on study 1). The results of study 3 will be integrated in the analysis of study 2. Collaborations within the Research Unit: IP2: effects will mainly collaborate with IP1: use, IP3: privacy, and IP6: organizations and participate in CG: continued use and CG: expectancy-value theories. Expected results/contributions: The results will improve systemizations of app characteristics and contribute to the overarching question of using digital media for the self-management of chronic diseases by theoretically and empirically specifying the long-term process of the use of mobile media for chronic disease management on the individual level under consideration of social influences. Ultimately, this will advance the broader scope of coping with personal challenges by applying a multi-level perspective and integrating both problem-focused and emotion-focused coping, and will also provide practical insights for app developers and healthcare.
DFG Programme
Research Units