SPP 2453:
Integration der Mitochondrien in das zelluläre Proteostase-Netzwerk
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung seit 2024
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 521173510
Mitochondrial biogenesis and functions depend on the import of more than 1000 proteins that are produced as precursors on cytosolic ribosomes. Although defects in mitochondrial function play a critical role in aging and neurodegenerative diseases, mechanisms and quality control of precursor protein targeting to mitochondria are poorly characterized. Protein import into mitochondria occurs predominantly post-translationally so that precursor proteins transiently accumulate in the cytosol. Recent studies showed that these precursor proteins are a severe burden to cellular proteostasis. They occupy and challenge the cytosolic quality control system. Particularly in aging cells, when mitochondrial functionality decreases, the accumulation of precursors represents a threat to cellular proteostasis, thereby linking mitochondrial fitness to cellular health. Vice versa, a decline in the proteostasis network capacity favours the accumulation of non-imported precursors. Despite its high relevance, the mechanisms that govern mitochondrial protein biogenesis and their crosstalk to proteostasis components have remained largely unknown. In this priority program, researchers from different scientific backgrounds will address in an interdisciplinary approach central questions in the emerging field of cellular quality control of mitochondrial precursor proteins. (i) How does the cross-talk between cellular compartments ensure specific protein transport to mitochondria? (ii) How do quality control pathways across different cell organelles cooperate in the removal of non-imported mitochondrial precursor proteins? (iii) How are proteostasis mechanisms balanced to adjust mitochondrial biogenesis to cellular requirements and what is their implication for cellular viability and organismal health? We will combine advanced technologies and expertise of two research fields, mitochondrialprotein import and cellular proteostasis, to gain insights into the cellular processes that occur upstream of protein import into mitochondria. Tandem projects with one mitochondrial scientist and one proteostasis researcher will address how mitochondria are integrated into the cellular proteostasis network on different levels. First, we will characterize the mechanisms of targeting and degradation of mitochondrial precursor proteins with highly innovative biochemical and biophysical techniques. Second, we will use novel proteomic approaches to study mislocalization and stability of non-imported mitochondrial proteins in response to cellular stress. Finally, we will use super-resolution microscopic technologies to follow the fate of non-imported proteins in single cells and to investigate the role of organellar cooperation in sorting and degradation of mitochondrial proteins.
Der Beitrag der zytosolischen Chaperone zur Biogenese von mitochondrialen Proteinen
Buchner, Johannes
Rapaport, Doron
Die Rolle der J-Domän-Proteine in der Qualitätskontrolle des mitochondrialen Proteinimports
(Antragstellerinnen / Antragsteller
Becker, Thomas
Kirstein, Janine
Die Rolle des lysosomalen Proteinabbaus in der mitochondrialen Antwort auf Membranstress
van der Laan, Martin
Winter, Dominic
Die Rolle des Ubiquitinsystems bei der Instandhaltung mitochondrialer Proteinimportkanäle
(Antragstellerinnen / Antragsteller
Methner, Axel
Ulrich, Ph.D., Helle
Die Rolle von kotranslationalen Proteinbiogenesefaktoren bei der Translation und Zielausrichtung von mitochondrialen Vorläuferproteinen
(Antragstellerinnen / Antragsteller
Deuerling, Ph.D., Elke
Münch, Christian
Entschlüsselung der Mechanismen zur Verbindung von Proteasomenfunktion und mitochondrialer Proteostase
(Antragstellerinnen / Antragsteller
Bano, Daniele
Bartelt, Alexander
Krüger, Elke Beate
Frühe Schritte der Biogenese mitochondrialer Innenmembranproteine: Die Rolle zytosolischer Faktoren bei Synthese, Targeting und Qualitätskontrolle
(Antragstellerinnen / Antragsteller
Herrmann, Johannes M.
Pfeffer, Stefan
Winklhofer, Konstanze
In vivo Identifizierung und Charakterisierung der cytosolischen Transportwege mitochondrialer Vorstufenproteine
(Antragstellerinnen / Antragsteller
Kramer, Günter
Vögtle, Friederike-Nora
Becker, Thomas
Koordinierung von zellulärer Proteostase und Proteinimport in den mitochondrialen Intermembranraum
Hoppe, Thorsten
Riemer, Jan
Mechanismen der mitochondrialen proximalen Translation und des co-translationalen Proteinimports
Bykov, Yury
Mattei, Simone
Nukleäre Qualitätskontrolle von nicht-importierten mitochondrialen Vorstufenproteinen
den Brave, Fabian
Mogk, Axel
Regulation der humanen Proteostase-Netzwerkes durch mitochondrialen Proteinimportstress
(Antragstellerinnen / Antragsteller
Dennerlein, Ph.D., Sven
Meiners, Silke
Warscheid, Bettina
Rolle, Ursprung und Entwicklung von MFN2 bei der Proteinaggregation und der mitochondrialen Importkapazität
(Antragstellerinnen / Antragsteller
Escobar-Henriques, Mafalda
Hofmann, Kay
Ursachen, Folgen und Korrektur mitochondrialer Proteinfehlfaltung
Hartl, Franz-Ulrich
Jae, Ph.D., Lucas
Vernetzung der lokalen Produktion von mitochondrialen Proteinen mit der Proteostase in Neuronen
Dudanova, Ph.D., Irina
Harbauer, Angelika