Zellzyklusabhängige Transkription von Cyclin B2
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2002 bis 2007
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5201974
Cyclin B is an important regulator for the progression through the cell division cycle. It associates with the cdc2 protein kinase to form the maturation-promoting factor. The MPF complex is necessary for cells to undergo mitosis. B-type cyclins exist in two isoforms in mammalian organisms, cyclin B1 and B2. These proteins appear in S-phase and accumulate further into G2 and mitosis before disappearing at transition from metaphase to anaphase. One prerequisite for the resulting oscillations is control of expression on the transcriptional level. We have identified the DNA elements which are responsible for cell cycle-dependent transcription from the cyclin B2 promoter. This research project aims at identifying the transcription factors contacting the DNA at these elements. Another aspect of the experiments is to understand the regulation of the DNA binding proteins. Therefore we will study if members of the retinoblastoma tumour suppressor protein family have any role in this regulation.