The Daidalos project aims to develop an infrastructure with the help of which Latin and Greek texts can be analysed by the researchers themselves using Natural Language Processing methods, e.g. part-of-speech tagging, named entity recognition, sentiment analysis, topic modelling. To this end, these methods are made available to researchers in such a way that they can apply them to an individually compiled research corpus. Thus, the Daidalos project focuses on providing an easily accessible platform of diverse digital research methods that support both linguistic-historical, e.g. the contextualisation of a word over time, and literary-scientific research projects, e.g. the analysis of author-specific discourse structures. In order to be able to support the widest possible range of digital research methods, language-specific solutions are reused and existing solutions from modern languages are adapted. In workshops and through the preparation of method-specific learning modules, researchers, teachers and students of Classical Philology will be introduced to working with Natural Language Processing in general and with the software to be developed in particular, in order to enable new perspectives on innovative or already existing research questions in Classics on the basis of the data-driven analyses. Through the integration of this target group, the planned workshops in particular support the supraregional dissemination and sustainable acceptance of the infrastructure, in addition to the development of professional competence (digital literacy).
DFG Programme
Research data and software (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)