Project Details
Calibration of a mesoscopic simulation tool for PBF-EB by electron optical evaluation (T09#)
Subject Area
Joining and Separation Technology
from 2023 to 2025
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 61375930
Electron beam powder bed fusion is an additive manufacturing process used for high-tech applications in aerospace or medical industry. Digital process development based on mesoscopic simulation is the key to accelerate the traditionally time-consuming process strategy development for complex parts and new materials. However, simulation tools must be calibrated and validated, since the temperature dependence of important physical variables such as energy absorption coefficient, surface tension or viscosity is mostly unknown. Metallographic analysis of simple test samples is used classically but the results are ambiguous and limited. Therefore in-situ observation of the highly dynamic melting process is necessary to capture dynamic effects resulting from the interplay of the unknown variables. The aim of this transfer project is to prove in-situ electron optical observation (ELO) for the develop-ment of a reliable calibration procedure for a sophisticated mesoscopic simulation tool of the industrial partner Arcam AB. To this end, we aim to extend multi-detector ELO to the dynamic melt pool regime. So far, multi-detector ELO is used to measure the 3D topography of solidified melt surfaces in-situ every built layer. Now, we will fully exploit the capability of the electron beam to move extremely fast to observe the 3D topography of the still liquid melt pool. A series of experiments allows to observe different melt pool regimes based on different dynamic effects and thereby to calibrate the mesoscopic simulation tool based on detailed and time dependent information. In the end, a methodology is developed which enables fast and reliable calibration and validation of mesoscopic simulation tools for new materials.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres (Transfer Project)
Subproject of
SFB 814:
Additive Manufacturing
International Connection
Applicant Institution
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Business and Industry
Arcam AB
Project Head
Professorin Dr.-Ing. Carolin Körner