In the field of hybrid materials, the project aims at inorganic-organic hybrid particles that exhibit luminescence as well as show a change of this property based on temperature and pH-value. This is supposed to allow for an optical detection of temperature and its alteration as well as for a detection of the pH-values of a system and a respective variation as singular as well as simultaneous analyses. In order to achieve this goal, hybrid materials have been selected according to the expertise of the two research groups that exhibit broad luminescence properties: inorganic-organic nanoparticle (AOH-NP) in the group Feldmann and metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and coordination polymers (CPs) in the group Müller-Buschbaum. Selected compounds will be synthesized in the respective groups, investigated for the described detection options and characterized accordingly. Single compounds can undergo a change in their luminescence for a specific region of temperature and pH value. Fluorescence based detection results from distinct processes such as thermal quenching or e.g., protonation/deprotonation, and can either result in a significant alteration of intensity (“turn-off/turn-on”) or of the chromaticity of the luminescence enabling an “in-situ” detection. Furthermore, suitable candidates from both fields will be combined to even more complex hybrid materials in order to synergistically utilize two or more single effects. This shall lead to a broad range of temperature and pH being detectable. Altogether, the suitable combination of compounds and materials from both groups will be used to achieve a fluorescence thermometer as well as luminescent pH paper.
DFG Programme
Research Grants