Functional asymmetry in postural control: Influencing factors, effects of and adaptations to training

Applicants Professor Dr. Thomas Mühlbauer; Professor Dr. Stefan Panzer
Subject Area Biological Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience
Term since 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 514291934

Project Description

Functional asymmetry in postural control due to the extensive use of one limb over the other during the execution of specific balance-demanding tasks as for example in soccer (e.g., superior balance performance of the standing leg compared to the kicking leg) are negatively associated with performance- and injury-related outcomes. Previous studies that investigated functional asymmetry in postural control revealed methodological limitations regarding the investigated participants and balance task characteristics. This makes it difficult to derive statements on the influence of moderating variables on functional asymmetry in postural control. Thus, the first objective of this proposal is a systematic analysis of individual (i.e., type of sport/level of sport expertise), task-related (i.e., level of balance task specificity), and environmental factors (i.e., level of balance task difficulty) affecting functional asymmetry in postural control by means of biomechanical analysis (force plate).The aforementioned negative effects of functional asymmetry on performance- and health-related variables indicate the need for intervention studies to reduce asymmetries. However, the effects and adaptive processes of a single-mode unilateral balance training (BT) versus combined BT and plyometric training on functional asymmetry in postural control are poorly understood. Thus, our second objective is to determine the impact of the training programs mentioned before on measures of balance and athletic performance as well as the accompanied adaptive process using electromyography.
DFG Programme Research Grants