State-Led-Gentrification: Settings and Impacts of the application of urband-development-policy-instruments in quarters with tendencies of upgrading and displacement

Applicants Professor Dr.-Ing. Christian Diller; Dr. Philipp Gareis; Professor Dr. Henning Nuissl
Subject Area City Planning, Spatial Planning, Transportation and Infrastructure Planning, Landscape Planning
Term since 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 512672234

Project Description

The question of the influence of strategic instruments of urban development on gentrification-processes in large city quarters either in Germany has a high topicality but is rarely systematically examinated. Does the use oft he instruments of urban renewal accelerate gentrification-processes, are those politically desirable or not? What are the impacts of instrument which were developed explicitly for containing residential milieus by decelerating gentrification? In this research project the questions oft he political background, the processes and impacts of the use of the instruments are examined in a comparative and partly generalizing perspective.The research-project has the following leading questions:1. What are the findings on the estate-economical und social upgrading of quarters in German large cities in variation in time?2. Are there certain patterns of upgrading be recognizend by comparison of the cities and quarters?3. Which forms of displacement in which degree can be recognized in quarters with particular uprading-.tendencies?4. To what extent can upgrading and displacement-processes in quarters are caused by the impacts of instruments of urban policy?5. What had been the backgrounds and motives for the application of instruments of urban policy; what had been the connected political disputes?6. Can gentrrification be controlled and eventually decelerated and if yes, by which means?In the statistical analysis of the first module the 35 largest and most dynamic German towns will be included. Thereby the housing-economical und socio-structural development data of all in all about 1900 quarters will be analysed; whereat the question of the application of urban policy-instruments will be included.On this base the quartes will be typizised and afterwards 15 selected quartes in 5 towns will be examinated as case studies. Thereby in the second module a representatiove survey among the people who left the quartes will be executed to find out the reasons for the draws.In module 3 an analysis of the application of the urban policcy-instruments and a media-discourse-analysis to the question of gentrification in the quarters will be done. In module 4 the findings will be collected together: Determination of the connection of upgrading and displacement, analysis of the interdependencies of instrumental-.application and gentrification, assessment of the chnces and limitations of urban-policy interventions.
DFG Programme Research Grants