On-chip supercontinuum generation and advanced spectroscopy on adamantane-type cluster molecules

Applicant Dr. Nils W. Rosemann
Subject Area Optics, Quantum Optics and Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas
Term since 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 398143140

Project Description

Supercontinuum generation from adamantane-type clusters was first demonstrated in 2016 by part of the FOR2824 consortium. The extreme nonlinear optical response of this material enables unprecedented low threshold for higher order nonlinear processes. Consequently, the ultra-low threshold particularly enables white-light generation by functionalizing an off-the-shelf laser diode with adamantane-type cluster molecules. With this preliminary result as basis for the here proposed project, we will extend this functionalization scheme by combining the adamantane-type cluster molecules with waveguide structures to build an on-chip supercontinuum light source. Additionally, we will perform advanced spectroscopy experiments to extend the overall understanding of the processes that underly the nonlinear optical response of the material system.The main objective of this project is to demonstrate on-chip white-light generation based on frequency conversion by adamantane-type clusters embedded in waveguide structures. This will greatly extend the scope of FOR 2824 and will contribute significantly towards the applications of this new type of material. In order to extend the understanding of the nonlinear processes in these molecules, we target the enhancement and control of white-light generation. For this, we will embed the cluster-molecules in an optical cavity and thereby increase and manipulate the interaction of the driving laser with the adamantane-type clusters. This enhanced interaction will yield in an even stronger nonlinear response. Additionally, by tuning parameters like, e.g., the resonance of the cavity we will specify the nonlinear response of the system.Furthermore, we will expand the research on the material system into a new direction, namely the interaction with far infrared light. We will investigate the interplay of molecular vibrations and the experimentally observed white-light generation. This will be done by driving the white-light generation with light in the far infrared region that is close to resonance frequency of vibrational modes. The results will be evaluated in close collaboration with theoretical calculations by FOR2824 project partners and can thus provide conclusions about the underlying nonlinear processes.Additionally, a standardized sample handling and characterization protocol will be developed. This will enable a fast screening of the novel compounds synthesized in FOR 2824 and thereby accelerate the material optimization.
DFG Programme Research Units
Subproject of FOR 2824:  Amorphous Molecular Materials with Extreme Non-Linear Optical Properties