SFB 1636:
Elementary Processes of Light-Driven Reactions at Nanoscale Metals
Subject Area
since 2024
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 510943930
Light-driven chemistry at nanoscale metals is an emerging, interdisciplinary research field. It is based on experimental and theoretical expertise ranging from nano-optics and condensed matter physics over physical chemistry to organic and inorganic chemistry. The vision is to not only control chemical reactions via the catalytic properties of nanoscale metals, but also to control and amend reaction paths so precisely that they may be activated by sunlight to enable sustainable technology. Chemical reactions that are amplified by coupling light into collective charge oscillations in the metal are known as "plasmonic chemistry", with controversial details such as the relevance of charge transfer and local heating in various reactions. Our research programme has two goals: We want to (A) develop a comprehensive, fundamental microscopic understanding of the primary processes that lead to light-driven chemical reactions at nanoscale metals based on a set of model systems. On the other hand, we want to (B) explore new chemical pathways based on plasmon-assisted chemistry with the long-term aim to establish new materials and new synthesis methods. The research activities in (A) therefore concentrate on elementary physical processes in model systems that form the basis for new chemical reactions (B) that take place at nanoscale metals. We focus on light-induced transformation of organic molecules, polymerisations and nanoparticle functionalization. With experiments and theoretical modelling we will investigate the elementary steps that make quantized photon energy usable for chemical reactivity: energetic electrons and holes generated by photo-excitation of the metal activate molecular bonds through charge transfer. At the same time, electronic energy is converted into vibrational excitations in the metal and its surroundings at the nanoscale. Phenomena such as hybrid light-matter states emerging through strong coupling and nanoscale heat transport including quantum effects are current challenges for experiments and modelling. Our arsenal of highly specific, ultrafast pump-probe techniques from mid-infrared to hard X-rays aims at recording the primary processes in their chronological sequence and elucidating them spectroscopically. Microscopy with atomic resolution and single molecule spectroscopy will help us to examine the reaction intermediates and products. Together we will develop and establish new plasmon-assisted synthesis schemes that enable light-induced selective and efficient chemistry. Our concentration of expertise provides an excellent opportunity to bring together researchers with strong backgrounds in chemical analysis and synthesis and characterising elementary processes. Timely interdisciplinary training across chemistry and physics will help to develop a modern view of light-driven chemistry based on modern methods of nanoscale control.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
A01 - Understanding and steering nonequilibrium energy flow in metal molecule hybrids at the nanoscale
(Project Heads
Bargheer, Matias
Henkel, Carsten
Müller-Werkmeister, Henrike
A02 - Mechanistic studies of plasmon-induced bond cleavage and cross-coupling reactions using SERS and X-ray probing methods
(Project Heads
Bald, Ilko
Lu, Yan
van der Veen, Renske
A03 - Bond activation and molecular dynamics on metal nanoparticles derived from X-ray spectroscopy
(Project Heads
Föhlisch, Alexander
Gühr, Markus
Saalfrank, Peter
A04 - Steering chemical reactivity by non-local energy transfer via strong light-matter interaction
(Project Heads
Henkel, Carsten
Koopman, Wouter
Müller-Werkmeister, Henrike
A05 - Understanding and controlling reactivity under vibrational and electronic strong coupling: Theoretical modelling
(Project Heads
Anders, Janet
Saalfrank, Peter
A06 - Controlling chemical reactions by propagating surface plasmon polaritons
(Project Heads
Bargheer, Matias
Busch, Kurt
Santer, Svetlana
A07 - Light-induced atomic-scale surface reactivity
(Project Heads
Hoffmann-Vogel, Regina
Klamroth, Tillmann
B01 - Surface engineering of plasmonic nanoparticles by the selective cleavage of functional linkers – a pathway towards nanoparticles with functional patches
(Project Heads
Bald, Ilko
Böker, Alexander
B02 - Two-photon processes and plasmon-induced nitroxide-mediated radical polymerisation (NMP)
(Project Heads
Kneipp, Janina
Schlaad, Helmut
B03 - Plasmon-induced RAFT polymerisation as a route to asymmetrically functionalized nanoparticles
(Project Heads
Bald, Ilko
Hartlieb, Matthias
B04 - Mechanistic investigation and optimization of plasmon-driven reactions by in-situ analytics and flow chemistry
(Project Heads
Möller, Heiko
Pacholski, Claudia
B05 - Mechanisms of photochemical reactions at metallic nanoparticles
(Project Heads
Hecht, Stefan
Titov, Evgenii
MGK - Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Banerji, Ph.D., Amitabh
Henkel, Carsten
Z01 - Preparation, characterization and tuning of nanoparticles and tailor-made substrates for plasmonic chemistry
(Project Heads
Lu, Yan
Schmidt, Bernd
Taubert, Andreas
Z02 - Joint optics lab: Technological development of optical excitation and probing (scientific service project including mobile laser sources, detectors and large-scale facility support)
(Project Head
Herzog, Marc
Z03 - Central Administrative Project
(Project Head
Bargheer, Matias
Z04 - Transfer & Outreach
(Project Head
Banerji, Ph.D., Amitabh