The Paoliidae (Insecta, Neoptera; Carboniferous) and their significance for the basal phylogeny of the Pterygota (Insecta) and the problem of the relationships between ''Palaeoptera'' and Neoptera. - Insecta: Neoptera: Paoliidae, Carboniferous, phylogeny
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2008 bis 2014
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 50868554
At the moment, international palaeoentomologic researches are increasingly concentrating on the first radiation of Pterygota at all to resolve basic problems of early insect evolution. In the meantime two so-called “schools” have been established: The “European/American School” and the “Russian School”, with principle opposite opinions. To clarify the true conditions, a comprehensive monographic study, which includes the research of the palaeobiology and aspects of taphonomy of the Paoliidae is necessary. Today this family is the only one which can contribute valuable informations by the following reasons: 1. Its biostratigraphic occurrence fits exactly with the age of the basal radiation of the various taxa of Pterygota. 2. The combination of the typical features of the Paoliidae is exceptionally appropriate to clarify the principle direction of the development of the main characters of basal Pterygota. 3. The great number of individuals of Vorhalle Paoliidae as well as the complete preservation of many of them offers for the first time the unique precondition to use fossil materials to solve basic phylogenetic problems of the Pterygota and to study intensively their taphonomy and palaeobiology.