The NMR laboratory in the platform "Chemical Analysis" at the Pharmaceutical Institute of the University of Bonn is responsible for the processing of numerous NMR spectroscopic questions. The existing 500 MHz NMR spectrometer is a mainstay of NMR analysis in the Department of Pharmacy. The instrument is essential for all research projects of the research groups utilizing synthetic organic chemistry and is used for structure elucidation and characterization of small molecules, peptidomimetics, proteolysis-targeting molecules (PROTACs), macrocycles and natural products, among others. Spare parts for the existing console are no longer available and the replacement of the console is inevitable. Furthermore, the replacement of the control unit is necessary to provide a modern user-friendly operation. Currently, the 500 MHz NMR spectrometer still has to be shimmed "by hand". Therefore, the NMR console replacement, the replacement of probehead and a software upgrade are expected to significantly economize and increase the efficiency of NMR analysis. The existing 500 MHz instrument is very heavily utilized due to the high number of NMR samples and a failure would have a dramatic impact on the research results of the Department of Pharmacy. Therefore, the modernization of the existing 500 MHz NMR spectrometer is requested.
DFG Programme
Major Research Instrumentation
Major Instrumentation
Austauschkonsole für 500 MHz NMR-Spektrometer
Instrumentation Group
1740 Hochauflösende NMR-Spektrometer