The sub-project TP3 is based on the work hypothesis that the experimentally observable interactions between high-speed blanking process, microstructure of the material and the adiabatic shear band (ASB) formation can be described by suitable mechanism-based numerical modelling approaches. Such models are considered as valuable tools to analyse and better understand the fundamental phenomena on the microstructure scale of the material during ASB formation. By close collaboration with the other sub-projects it is expected that a deeper knowledge of the microstructure-property relations during high-speed blanking can be obtained.The focus of this sub-project (TP3) is on the microstructure-based modelling and simulation of adiabatic shear band formation during high-speed blanking. Thermomechanical and microstructure-based modelling strategies as well as experimental results from other subprojects will be taken into consideration to better understand the phenomena leading to ASB formation. The development, implementation and validation of a numerical model and the systematic numerical analysis of the interaction between the material microstructure, process parameters and ASB formation at the polycrystal length scale using mechanism-based modelling strategies are the major aim of TP3.Three work packages are planned for the model development: In WP1, the initiation and propagation of ASB within a polycrystal will be investigated using the full-field crystal plasticity finite element method. In WP2, the development of sub-grains and/or phase transformation in the microstructure within the ASB will be explored using mean-field modelling techniques. In WP3, the final stage of the high-speed blanking process, namely material separation, is modelled using a ductile damage coupled crystal plasticity material model. In WP4, the methods established in the first three work packages will be validated and evaluated using the experimental results from other sub-projects. In addition to the experimental works in other sub-projects, the mechanical properties of ASBs and their surroundings will be characterized individually using micro-tensile experiments. The modelling approaches developed in TP3 will contribute to an integrated modelling strategy in collaboration with the other sub-projects and support the material-specific design of high-speed blanking.
DFG Programme
Research Units