Disturbed balance between endo- and autophagocytosis plays an important role in the pathogenesis of renal diseases. Our hypothesis is that the late endolysosomal transport/degradation pathway has specific functions for podocytes. To test this hypothesis, we knocked down the GTPase Rab7, a key enzyme of late endolysosomal and autolysosomal transport, in mouse podocytes in vivo. To test this hypothesis, we knocked down the GTPase Rab7, a key enzyme of late endolysosomal and autolysosomal transport, in mouse podocytes in vivo. Mice with a podocyte-specific knockout of Rab7 developed podocyte injury and became proteinuric. Using cell biology techniques, we aim to understand the mechanisms of this podocyte injury; in particular, we aim to investigate podocyte functions and signaling pathways, their endolysosomal transport including lysosome function after knockdown of Rab7. The project will provide important insights into the function of late endolysosomal transport for podocyte function.
DFG Programme
Research Grants