Tsunami Risiken, Vulnerabilität und Resilizenz in der Phang-Nga Provinz, Thailand - Entwicklung einer Methodik zur Risikoermittlung und Risikominderung (Tsunami Risk and Information Tool = TRAIT)
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2007 bis 2011
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 50376712
The mega-tsunami of Dec. 26, 2004 impacted the Andaman Sea coast of Thailand and strongly devastated coastal ecosystems (seabed, coral reefs, beaches, dunes, coastal forests) as well as towns, settlements and tourism resorts. In addition to the tragic loss of many lives, the destruction or damage of life-supporting infrastructure, such as buildings, roads, water & power supply etc. caused high economic losses in the region. However, not all coastal segments suffered the same degree of flood impacts, some localities were hit harder than others. Thus, the project focuses on the following questions for this region: what factors determine the specific vulnerability of coastal communities in case of tsunamis or storm floods? How can vulnerability be quantitatively assessed at various levels of scale, using time-saving remote sensing techniques? What resilience factors can be identified which (may) alleviate negative impacts and allow for a more rapid recovery? And: How can risk management be improved in case of future extreme flooding events? Based on (quantitative) assessments of ecologic, economic and social vulnerability and of tsunami resilience in selected communities of the Phang-Nga Province, the project attempts the development of a generic tool (TRAIT) to support risk management for extreme events in the region and beyond.
Internationaler Bezug