Project Details
Separation of non-metallic impurities (dross) from GJS alloys by filtration (T07#)
Subject Area
Coating and Surface Technology
from 2022 to 2025
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 169148856
As part of a transfer project with the Silbitz Guss GmbH foundry, a contribution is being made to zero defect in cast iron alloys with nodular graphite (GJS). One of the most frequent inclusions in GJS alloys is the so-called dross. These areal non-metallic inclusions lead to a material separation within the component and thus to a considerable reduction of the fatigue strength. In the third funding period, it was possible to analyze the filtration of dross in extensive casting campaigns on a laboratory scale. The knowledge gained on dross filtration is to be tested in reality in large GJS castings together with Silbitz Guss GmbH as a transfer partner. The aim of the joint project is to produce dross-free castings by the use of filters.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres (Transfer Project)
Subproject of
SFB 920:
Multifunctional Filters for Metal Melt Filtration - a Contribution to Zero Defect Materials
Applicant Institution
Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg
Business and Industry
Silbitz Guss GmbH
Project Heads
Professor Dr.-Ing. Michal Szucki; Professor Dr.-Ing. Gotthard Wolf