EXC 310:  Simulation Technology

Subject Area Mechanics and Constructive Mechanical Engineering
Construction Engineering and Architecture
Systems Engineering
Term from 2007 to 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 50131014

Final Report

Final Report Year 2020

Final Report Abstract

Scientists and engineers have been constructing models of complex phenomena for centuries. Computational simulation helps us understand important aspects of the systems described, predict system states under different conditions, and derive decisions for controlling them. Simulation technology has become an indispensable tool for research, development, and operations in many different areas. Much of the technological progress in our modern society depends on continual advances in the field of simulation. Since 2007, the Cluster of Excellence EXC 310 “Simulation Technology (SimTech)” at the University of Stuttgart has significantly advanced both breadth and depth of Simulation Science, covering models, methods, and computing from an engineering perspective. EXC 310’s interdisciplinary and methodological profile has had a sustainable impact on shaping the entire University. By installing more than 10 new professorships, it has established modeling and simulation as one of the University’s internationally most visible research foci. SimTech’s long-term mission was to advance simulation to a new level by progressing from isolated approaches to an integrative systems science. Traditional strategies of isolated tools from different disciplines were overcome, while theories and discretization methods were merged into a new class of integrated simulation environments that support all aspects from models to interactive systems. This mission could only be achieved by crossing disciplinary boundaries. SimTech successfully established seven research areas ranging from Molecular Dynamics, Advanced Mechanics, Systems Analysis and Computational Mathematics via Data Management and Visualization to High-Performance Computing and Simulation Software Engineering. An Integrative Platform of Reflection and Contextualization acted as a bracket across its research. Project networks, grouped around central application visions and key methodological challenges, casted the research into a solid and dense network. Through transfer to industrial applications, the Cluster contributed to the economic benefit of our society. SimTech was highly successful in educational measures, support for early career researchers, and promotion of gender equality and diversity. The consecutive study program in Simulation Technology established in 2010 has already resulted in 150 BSc and MSc degrees. Its Graduate School has awarded more than 130 doctoral degrees and 10 researchers received a habilitation. SimTech was instrumental in introducing the tenure track system to the University and 12 junior professors were positively evaluated. 50 young SimTech researchers were appointed to professor positions at the University and all over the world. The Cluster is sustainably institutionalized as a long-term faculty-like structure in the Stuttgart Center for Simulation Science which also holds the new EXC 2075 “Data-Integrated Simulation Science” by building on the success of EXC 310.


DFG Programme Clusters of Excellence
Applicant Institution Universität Stuttgart
Participating Institution Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)
Institut für Bauweisen und Strukturtechnologie
; Max-Planck-Institut für Intelligente Systeme
Spokesperson Professor Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Ehlers
Participating Researchers Professor Dr.-Ing. Frank Allgöwer; Professor Dr.-Ing. Peter Eberhard; Professor Dr. Thomas Ertl; Professor Dr.-Ing. Joachim Groß; Professor Dr.-Ing. Rainer Helmig; Professor Dr. Christian Holm; Professor Dr. Frank Leymann; Professor Dr. Claus-Dieter Munz; Professorin Dr. Nicole Radde; Professor Dr. Ortwin Renn; Professor Michael M. Resch, Ph.D.; Professor Dr. Christian Rohde; Professor Dr. Kurt Rothermel; Professor Dr. Carsten Scherer; Professor Dr. Albrecht Schmidt; Professor Dr. Guido Schneider; Professor Dr. Marc Alexander Schweitzer; Professor Dr. Bernhard Schölkopf; Professorin Dr. Meike Tilebein; Professor Dr.-Ing. Alexander Verl; Professor Dr.-Ing. Bernhard Weigand; Professor Dr. Hans-Joachim Werner; Professor Dr. Hans-Joachim Wunderlich