Dissecting chikungunya virus adaptation by functional analysis (Acronym: CHIVA)

Applicant Professorin Dr. Christine Goffinet
Subject Area Virology
Term since 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 500117721

Project Description

The occurrence of two consecutive, closely monitored and well-documented CHIKV outbreaks in Thailand provides a unique opportunity to study evolution of this emerging, arthritogenic alphavirus and the functional consequence of corresponding fixed non-synonymous mutations. Their potential consequence on CHIKV infection and transmission, as well as on the virus´sensitivity to cell-intrinsic and humoral antiviral immunity, remains unknown. Here, we will set up a comprehensive experimental pipeline that functionally characterizes key amino acid changes that occurred in the past major CHIKV outbreak in Thailand. The German-Thai team will merge their individual expertise, allowing setting up a competitive research program that combines basic research for elucidation of functional properties of mutated viral structural and non-structural proteins in the context of virus replication and cell-intrinsic immune evasion, and analysis of well-characterized clinical samples, including the ability of patients´ sera to cross-neutralize heterologous viral strains and mutants. This pipeline will be useful for the interpretation of already identified viral mutations, and for rapid research implementation of those identified during future outbreaks.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection Thailand, United Kingdom
Partner Organisation National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA); National Innovation Agency
Program Management Unit for Human Resources
and Institutional Development
Cooperation Partners Professor Dr. Yong Poovorawan; Dr. Sompong Vongpunsawad