2010/AFGN Collaborative Project: An exemplary calcium signaling network in plant abiotic stress responses
Fachliche Zuordnung
Zell- und Entwicklungsbiologie der Pflanzen
Förderung von 2007 bis 2014
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 49803633
The proposed project aims to perform a systems analysis of the mechanisms and function of a central calcium-decoding signaling network from Arabidopsis comprising of protein kinases (AtCIPKs), which interact with calcium sensor proteins (AtCBLs). In general, this project is focused on the functional characterization of this elaborate CBL-CIPK interaction network and its contribution to integrate and specifically decode various calcium signals during abiotic stress responses. Consequently this project aims to: (1) explore the functional principles of information processing in this signaling network (2) identify the physiological function and interplay of its components (3) identify and characterize target proteins and processes of this signaling system. This project will generate insights into calcium signaling mechanisms with relevance for all eukaryotes, provide novel tools for protein-interaction analyses in plants and other organisms and knock-out mutant combinations for different areas in plant biology. Finally, this project will shed light on the molecular basis for plant tolerance to environmental stress factors, providing a platform for generating crops with enhanced stress tolerance and agronomic performance.
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