Linking Redox-Cycling to Hydrogeology: Sedimentological Controls on the Capacity of Aquifers to Reduce Nitrate and other Dissolved Electron Acceptors

Applicants Professor Dr.-Ing. Olaf A. Cirpka; Professor Dr. Jan-Peter Duda; Professor Dr. Adrian Mellage, Ph.D.
Subject Area Hydrogeology, Hydrology, Limnology, Urban Water Management, Water Chemistry, Integrated Water Resources Management
Term since 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 497727419

Project Description

The physical and chemical make-up of sedimentary aquifers is determined by the geology of the host rock and the local depositional environment at the time of their formation. The latter yields a characteristic constellation of structural elements differing both in grain-size distribution (and thus hydraulic conductivity) and content of redox-active minerals and organic matter. This spatially variable and hierarchically organized distribution controls groundwater flow and solute reactive transport in sedimentary aquifers. The presence of reactive organic or mineral phases determines the potential reactivity for nitrate and other dissolved electron acceptors, but for the reactions to occur the electron bearing sediments must be conduits for flow, that is, that they must have a sufficiently high hydraulic conductivity to allow water borne solutes to reach the reactive solid phases. The dependence on matrix-reactivity is a key reason for sustained nitrate contamination in aquifers, despite denitrification being a high-energy-yielding reaction, and the subsurface harboring the necessary microbial capacity to catalyze it. The proposed project aims at quantitatively linking aquifer hydraulic and biogeochemical properties with the “reactivity” of aquifer sediments, and their ability to reduce nitrate via denitrification. Via a coupled hydrogeological, sedimentological and microbiological field-site investigations, flow-through column experiments with field-collected cores and data-informed reactive transport modelling at the laboratory and aquifer scales, we aim to yield a unique dataset that will enable reliable estimates of site- and facies-specific reactivity estimates to feed larger scale (denitrification) predictive models. The project will rely on Direct-Push field investigations at five sites across a spectrum of hydraulic conductivity, nitrate contamination, and organic matter / redox-active mineral content in Germany and Austria for core-logging and sediment sample extraction. Field surveys will inform biogeochemical flow through experiments that will monitor denitrification and denitrifying microbial activity in sediments. A detailed sedimentological characterization of field collected cores will help elucidate the reactive potential of sedimentological facies and build site-specific conceptual sedimentological models. Reactive transport models will help quantifying reaction-rate coefficients that will ultimately yield estimates of overall sediment reactivity. The latter will feed into aquifer scale virtual floodplain aquifer models based on the concept of “cumulative relative reactivity” to solve for reactive transport. We expect this project to advance our understanding of fundamental sedimentological controls on matrix-mediated redox reactions and microbial activity in aquifers, and yield aquifer-scale models that can predict denitrification as a function of an aquifer’s sedimentological setting.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection Austria
Partner Organisation Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF)
Co-Investigators Dr. Daniel Buchner; Dr. Carsten Leven-Pfister
Cooperation Partners Dr. Lucas Fillinger; Professor Dr. Christian Griebler