We propose a model-theoretic investigation of valued fields with non-surjective endomorphism. The model theory of valued fields with automorphism, in particular the Witt Frobenius case treated by BĂ©lair, Macintyre and Scanlon, was extensively developed over the last 15 years, e.g., obtaining Ax-Kochen-Ershov principles for various classes of $\sigma$-henselian valued difference fields.We plan to generalize these results to the non-surjective context. The most natural example of a non-surjective endomorphism is the Frobenius map on an imperfect field. In analogy to the Witt Frobenius, the main examples for our study are Cohen fields over imperfect residue fields endowed with a lift of the Frobenius. The model theory of Cohen fields was recently developed in the work of Anscombe and Jahnke. In order to obtain Ax-Kochen-Ershov type results in our setting, it will be necessary to first understand the equicharacteristic 0 case. This case is interesting in its own right, as it encompasses the asymptotic theory of Cohen fields with Frobenius lift. We are particularly interested in obtaining relative completeness and transfer of model theoretic tameness notions from value group and residue field to the valued difference field, as well as in identifying model companions for various subclasses.Another natural example of a $\sigma$-henselian valued difference fields is given by ultraproducts of separably closed valued fields with Frobenius. Here, the endomorphism is no longer an isometry, and the induced automorphism of the value group is $\omega$-increasing. By work of Chatzidakis and Hrushovski the residue difference field of such an ultraproduct is existentially closed as a field with distinguished endomorphism. We aim to show the analogous result for the valued difference field, namely that it is existentially closed in a natural language, and infer existence and an axiomatization of the model-companion from this.
DFG Programme
Research Grants