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single crystal diffractometer

Subject Area Molecular Chemistry
Term Funded in 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 492590378
Single-crystal diffraction is one of the most important methods for analysis of crystalline substances and an integral part of characterization for new compounds. For this purpose, there are commercially available, complete systems, which enable not only standard measurements but also the analysis of very sensitive samples. The device requested is a replacement purchase for a broken 25-year-old single-crystal X-ray diffractometer. Since the decommissioning of the old device, the whole University of Gießen has only one single-crystal X-ray diffractometer in operation. With only one device, the entire sample amount cannot be managed, which is already present now. Furthermore, a strong increase in samples is to be expected, as the institute has and will have two new professorships (W3 since 2019, W1/W2 expected 2021). Constitution of the planned interdisciplinary platform of methods "X-ray diffractometry" at the Center for Materials Research (ZfM/LaMa) of the JLU Giessen is also not possible with only one functional single-crystal X-ray diffractometer, as further capacities cannot not be offered to other institutes and facilities at present.Against this background and in order to be able to continue ensuring the ongoing and planned research projects at a high scientific level, this replacement procurement of a modern single-crystal X-ray diffractometer, equipped with two powerful X-ray sources, a modern detector and a low temperature unit is urgently needed.
DFG Programme Major Research Instrumentation
Major Instrumentation Einkristalldiffraktometer
Instrumentation Group 4010 Einkristall-Diffraktometer
Applicant Institution Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen

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