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Open Access Publication Funding / 2025-2027 / University of Greifswald

Term since 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 491454319
The University of Greifswald aims to further promote the publication of its research results in open access and increase the open access share of its publication volume while contributing to a sustainable open access transformation at the same time. With the help of DFG funding, the financing of original scientific open access publications in quality-assured media will be further developed to become a basic research infrastructure. Related administrative procedures for members of the University of Greifswald will be continuously simplified. Furthermore, the central administration of open access publications at Greifswald University Library will be optimised and a virtual information budget will be introduced to establish more transparency and enable an overview of all cumulative publication costs. To provide structural and infrastructural support for these goals and to advance the interdisciplinary university strategy process regarding the open access transformation, Greifswald University Library will ensure the following: financing models will be continually evaluated and adjusted, support for open access Diamond (infra)structures will be cultivated, data quality in the repository and the integration of systems will be improved, and specific advisory and training services will be strengthened.
DFG Programme Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)

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