Fetal MagnetoEncephaloGraphy with OPM
Subject Area
Medical Physics, Biomedical Technology
Human Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience
since 2021
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 491332031
High-resolution EEG (HR-EEG) in preterms and magnetoencephalography(MEG) in foetuses (fMEG) have been developed in Inserm 1105 and in the fMEG center in Tubingen, respectively, providing access to the abilities of the immature network from the last trimester of gestation in and ex utero. We will analyze with similar protocols the early development of the neuronal networks. Both spontaneous activity and evoked cerebral responses to stimuli will be analysed by both approaches in and ex utero in Amiens and Tubingen. We will develop (1) common paradigms for evoked responses in MEG and HR-EEG. (2) concurrent fMEG and HR-EEG, recordings in healthy prematures and foetuses of the same Gestational Age (GA). (3) a dynamic estimator model from HR-EEG in premature to fMEG and vice versa. (4) adapt the tasks to the recordings performed in Amiens in foetuses and preterms with the new approach developed around the optically pumped magnetometer (OPM) by the CEA. The complementary skills, HR-EEG in preterms in Amiens, fMEG in Tubingen and development of OPM in CEA, is a guarantee of success for this project.
DFG Programme
Research Grants
International Connection