Project Details
Open Access Publication Funding / 2025–2027 / University Hannover
Professor Dr. Volker Epping
since 2021
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 491062152
Leibniz University Hannover (LUH) is applying for a three-year grant from the DFG’s „Open Access Publication Funding“ programme. The project aims to establish solutions for structuring and managing the central information budget that will enable LUH to fulfil its funding responsibilities. The project continues from work done during the first funding phase and will shift its focus on funds received. Monitoring of decentralised costs will expand to include the accounting of basic and third-party funds. Models will be devised to structurally integrate project funds into the centrally managed information budget and publication costs will be systematically anchored in the budget distribution model. Publication monitoring via the Research Information System FIS will be expanded and the self-reporting of publications by researchers will be strengthened. Fourthly, the technical basis will be created to automate the recording and processing of publication cost data.
DFG Programme
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)