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WEARING DOWN - The continental weathering-erosion-transport-deposition nexus in a new light

Subject Area Physical Geography
Term since 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 490899032
The Earths surface is a dynamic interface controlled by interplay between tectonics and climate and shaped by interaction of a wide range of physical, chemical, biological and anthropogenic processes. This project aims in improving our understanding of related sediment fluxes, by providing novel information on landscape weathering and erosion (WP1) and on the transfer of related sediments in fluvial systems (WP2) in response to tectonic and climatic forcing (WP3). We will advance state-ofthe-art approaches on these topics by developing cutting-edge geochronological and modelling techniques that have the potential to provide a new quantitative understanding of the continental weathering-erosion-transport-deposition nexus. The German-French team involves researchers specialized in the analysis, modelling and dating of surface processes. The study will develop luminescence and cosmogenic data from fluvial systems in Europe, New Zealand, Nepal and Chile, coupled to experimental and numerical modeling.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection France
Cooperation Partner Professor Dr. Stephane Bonnet

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