Analyzing the conceptual relations of executive functions and self-regulated learning at (pre) school age

Applicants Professorin Dr. Julia Karbach; Professorin Dr. Franziska Dorothea Perels
Subject Area Developmental and Educational Psychology
Term since 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 490858277

Project Description

The study of skills for goal-oriented behaviour and the necessary self-regulatory competencies is of great interest in clinical as well as in neurocognitive, developmental and educational-psychological research (Garner, 2009; Karbach & Unger, 2014). While the term „executive functions“ (EF) defines cognitive processes that allow for goal-oriented control and monitoring of one’s own thoughts and actions (Miyake et al., 2000), the educational-psychological term of „self-regulated learning“ (SRL) aggregates cognitions, emotions and actions for planning and achieving one‘s self-imposed learning goals (Zimmerman, 2000). Both of the constructs refer to processes of goal-oriented planning, control and evaluation of cognition and behavior. EF are conceptualized to be non-domain-specific, while the research on SRL focuses on learning-related cognitions and actions. By integrating both research traditions, it should be possible to uncover definitional and structural peculiarities and relationships between the constructs. Based on recent theoretical models and the results of initial studies in this integrative research field, it can be assumed that EF form the basis for the development of SRL (Bailey & Jones, 2019; Garner, 2009). Here, it is assumed that procedural metacognition serves as a mediator variable (Follmer & Sperling, 2016). The research project at hand is looking to analyze the described conceptual relation in more detail while focusing on the period of childhood. Childhood is of particular importance in this context, since the abilities mentioned and the underlying neuronal mechanisms are not yet fully developed and differentiated for this age group (Weibe, Espy & Charak, 2008). Therefore, contrasting relationships, as well as – with the help of a longitudinal study – predictive influences between the constructs should be visible, especially in childhood. Furthermore, comparing different age groups within childhood allows for a deeper exploration of differentiation processes in EF and SRL. In order to investigate the described relationships as well as the expected differentiation, components of EF and SRL are to be recorded multimethodally at two test times in preschoolers and fourth graders. The constructs are then to be modeled in a comparative manner, and concurrent and predictive relationships are to be analyzed. In addition, procedural metacognition is to be measured to test its role as a mediator between the two constructs. In a second step, an analysis of the relationships between EF and SRL with context variables (e.g. intelligence, effortful control) is to be carried out.
DFG Programme Research Grants
Co-Investigator Dr. Laura Dörrenbächer-Ulrich