Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
In this work the TIPS was evaluated for calibration of MXRF analysis and sample preparation for surface sensitive XRF analysis. Successful application of this new calibration strategy was shown by the analysis of Gd electroplated on Be. The amount of Gd was determined to optimize the electroplating process. Additionally, the TIPS was used to generate three-dimensional objects as references for confocal MXRF. Here epitaxialdeposits of various metals delivered by a polymer were introduced. Because of their sturdiness they are excellent to serve as reference material. Unfortunately the planned work on references for aerosol particles samples in collaboration with the IAEA was postponed, and therefore was not performed during this research stay. Instead we could show that TIPS deposits have the capability to improve calibration in analysis of semiconductor material. This work was done in collaboration with SVCT Austin Texas. Sample preparation for surface sensitive XRF analysis like TXRF was evaluated for material having complex matrices like produced water and organic material: Poly(ethyleneimine) (PEI) polymers and NH4NO3 in Methanol. Using these specimens a prototype Gracing Incident Monochromatic Micro X-ray fluorescence (GIMMXRF) instrument was characterized and its analytical capabilities compared to a polychromatic source MXRF instrument were shown.
8/2008 “Automated picoliter solution deposition for TXRF analysis of semiconductor samples”, 67th Denver X-ray conference, Denver, CO, U.S.A.
C. Sparks, U. E. A. Fittschen, G. J. Havrilla
8/2008 “Picoliter deposition for MXRF calibration and quantification using prototype thermal inkjet technology”, 67th Denver X-ray conference, Denver, CO, U.S.A.
U. E. A. Fittschen, G. J. Havrilla
9/2008 “A prototype picoliter deposition device to generate reference deposits for direct elemental analysis using Micro X-Ray Fluorescence (MXRF)”, Federation of analytical chemistry and spectroscopy societies (FACSS) Conference, Reno, NV, U.S.A.
U. E. A. Fittschen, G. J. Havrilla
03/2009 “Grazing Incidence Monochromatic Micro X-ray Fluorescence – A New Approach to Trace Element Detection in Aqueous Samples”, Pittcon 2009, Chicago, IL, USA
U. E. Fittschen, G. J. Havrilla, M. Cusack, A. Vershinin, W. Gibson
10/2009 “Advances in trace elemental determination using a prototype grazing incident micro X-ray fluorescence instrument and picoliter deposits for sample preparation”, Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS) Conference, Louisville,KY, U.S.A.
U. E. A. Fittschen, G. J. Havrilla
3/2009 “Picoliter Deposition for MXRF Calibration and Quantification using Prototype Thermal Inkjet Technology”, Chemiedozententagung 2009, Goettingen, Germany
U. E. A. Fittschen, G. J. Havrilla, C. Sparks
7/2009 “Elemental Determination of Micro X-Ray Fluorescence (MXRF) Maps using Picoliter Deposits as References”, 68th Denver X- ray conference, Colorado Springs, CO, U.S.A.
U. E. A. Fittschen, George J. Havrilla
7/2009 “Water Analysis using a Prototype Monochromatic Microfocus Grazing Incidence X-Ray Fluorescence Device Comparing Picoliter and Nanoliter Depositions as Sample Preparation Approach”, 68th Denver X-ray conference, Colorado Springs, CO, U.S.A.
U.E.A. Fittschen, G. J. Havrilla, A. Vershinine, M. Cusack
9/2009 “2D and 3D references for micro X-ray Fluorescence using picoliter deposition on various substrates and sandwich ensembles”, ICXOM 2009, Karlsruhe, Germany
U. E. A. Fittschen, G. J. Havrilla
3/2010 “Picoliter Deposition Technology for XRF Calibration and Trace Analysis”, Pittcon 2010, Orlando,FL, U.S.A.
U. E. A. Fittschen, G. J. Havrilla
3/2010 “Potential for Prototype Picoliter Techniques for Calibration and Sample Preparation Techniques in X-Ray Fluorescence”, Analytica 2010, München, Germany
U. E. A. Fittschen, G. J. Havrilla
Picoliter Droplet Deposition Using a Prototype Picoliter Pipette: Control Parameters and Application in Micro X-ray Fluorescence, Anal. Chem. 82 (2010) 297–306
U.E.A. Fittschen, G. J. Havrilla
Picoliter Solution Deposition for Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Semiconductor Samples, Spectrochim Acta B, (2010), 65, 805-8011
Chris M. Sparks, Ursula E. A. Fittschen, and George J. Havrilla
DFG Programme
Research Fellowships
International Connection