The tripeptide glutathione is one of the major cellular antioxidants, which is present at high concentrations in all cell types. Several studies have suggested an important function of glutathione in the skin, but its precise roles in skin morphogenesis, repair, and disease are still largely unknown. It is the goal of my postdoctoral project to determine the role of glutathione in skin morphogenesis, wound healing, UV protection and skin cancer. For this purpose, I will characterize normal, wounded, and UVB-irradiated skin in mice lacking the modifier subunit of the rate-limiting glutathione biosynthesis enzyme (GCL). These mice have strongly reduced levels of glutathione in all cell types. In addition, skin carcinogenesis studies shall be performed with these animals. Finally, in vitro studies with cultured primary keratinocytes from these mice will provide insight into the cell-autonomous roles of glutathione in keratinocyte proliferation, migration, differentiation and survival. In parallel, a new mouse line shall be generated, which lacks the catalytic GCL subunit in the epidermis. In the long run, these mice shall also be characterized with regard to skin morphogenesis, wound repair, UV response and skin cancer.
DFG Programme
Research Fellowships
International Connection