A novel modular multi-sensor dropsonde system for HALO
Fachliche Zuordnung
Physik und Chemie der Atmosphäre
Förderung von 2007 bis 2010
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 47468573
A completely new dropsonde system for primary use on HALO will be developed, tested, and applied for in-situ cloud measurements during the NEPTUN demo mission. The new system will offer the possibility to measure a wider range of meteorological, cloud physical and optionally also chemical parameters than all existing systems and enable dense prob-ing within a small area for example within a convective system. Taking advantage of recent progress in micro- and smart sensor technology, communica-tion electronics and the new European navigation system Galileo the new sonde design incorporates a mother sonde carrying a number of satellite sensors in its body. The mother sonde will have standard meteorological sensors, offer slots for additional “plug-in” sensors (cloud water content, drop size distribution, microelectronic trace gas sensors), include a Galileo/GPS navigation unit and digital telemetry units. It will transmit all data via satellite into the Internet and GTS and on the 400 MHz band to the launching aircraft. Re-leased from the mother sonde in the moment the parachute opens the satellite sondes will be dispensed due to their different flight qualities defined by the shape of their housing and strong up-and downwinds within convective systems. They will send their data only to the mother sonde. Inheriting the mechanical size of the widespread NCAR dropsonde this new sonde system can be used aboard other (foreign) research aircrafts without modifica-tion. This new dropsondesystem will extend the observational capabilities of HALO for many users significantly since it can provide in-situ meteorological data from severe weather zones, which can not be penetrated for security reasons.