Microcontact printing at its limit - solid-phase based transfer of submicroscale structures with highly-defined chemical functionalities on capillary-active surfaces

Applicant Dr. Martin Reifarth
Subject Area Synthesis and Properties of Functional Materials
Solid State and Surface Chemistry, Material Synthesis
Polymer Materials
Term since 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 471323994

Project Description

In the framework of this research endeavour, we aim at establishing a method capable to transfer submicroscale surface patterns with a highly defined chemical functionality on capillary-active, rough surfaces easy to implement and suitable for upscaling. For this purpose, a variation of the microcontact printing method will be elaborated, relying on a solid phase-based transfer reaction from a polymer matrix on a surface substrate. The transfer agent – the ink – is thereby attached to the carrier polymer, which is tethered to an elastomeric stamp, in a covalent, but metastable, manner. During its physical contact with the surface substrate, it is transferred to the substrate, where it has to be bound in a thermodynamically more stable fashion as it is attached to the carrier polymer. Being immobilized in the polymer matrix prior to, and at the substrate after the printing process, the ink molecule experiences its transfer merely during the physical contact of both components, which widely reduces undesired smearing of the ink, i.e. its diffusive distribution during the printing process. This facilitates the transfer of patterns with a level of details in the submicrometer range, which can not be achievd under conventional conditions. As substrates, we aim at utilizing capillary-active inorganic oxidic surfaces as well as commercially available, hydrophilic cellulose substrates. Both of them constitute technically relevant substrates, which promise vast application fields.
DFG Programme Research Grants