Project Details
Machine tool for electrochemical precision machining
Subject Area
Production Technology
Funded in 2021
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 467011871
The chair for manufacturing technology with focus machining is headed since on September 1st, 2019 by Prof. Hackert-Oschätzchen. With the appointment of Prof. Hackert-Oschätzchen one main intention is to expand the scientific orientation of the chair to include electrochemical (EC) precision machining. In the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg there is no machine tool for EC precision machining available, which makes it necessary to procure the processing station for electrochemical precision machining. Due to the wide range of applications for EC machining in automotive, aerospace, medical technology and tool and mold making, the machine applied for EC precision machining includes equipment with additional components that enable research into fundamental issues through to applied research along the value chain of products. EC precision machining is based on the removal of metallic materials with pulsed direct current and an oscillating cathode. In particular, due to the process-related advantages, such as damage-free surfaces, high surface quality and burr-free machining, the focus is on EC precision machining of highly stressed components and precision components whose surfaces must not be influenced by the manufacturing process. In addition to research on the basic material-specific removal mechanism of EC precision machining, resource-efficient EC technologies, process control of EC precision machining through simulation, as well as interfaces and data chains for digital twins of EC precision machining processes will be research priorities at the chair for manufacturing technology with focus machining.
DFG Programme
Major Research Instrumentation
Major Instrumentation
Bearbeitungsstation zum elektrochemischen Präzisionsabtragen
Instrumentation Group
2170 Chemische Sägen, Elektrolyse-Ätz-Maschinen, Funkenerosionsgeräte
Applicant Institution
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg