The aim is the networking and communication of those who operate theologically and conceptually with the guiding concept of the art of living in German-speaking Christian theology (Protestant as well as Roman Catholic). The scope and resilience of the concept of the "art of living" is to be explored and tested in two larger conferences as well as two smaller workshops preceding each conference and two joint book publications (for which the Gütersloher Verlagshaus has already signalled interest). In particular, bridges are to be built between the theological sub-disciplines and discourse with neighbouring academic disciplines (e.g. pedagogy; philosophy) is to be initiated. In this way, the "art of living" is to be established, differentiated and secured as a guiding category of theological-interdisciplinary reflection. Fundamental anthropological questions of dealing with finiteness and vulnerability as well as ethical, aesthetic and spiritual aspects of Christian life design are the primary focus of interest.
DFG Programme
Scientific Networks