Scholarly Makerspaces aim to address observed shortcomings in regard to the dissemination of digital, tool-supported research for cultural sciences and humanities on three levels: first, in relation to the tools themselves; second, in relation to tool literacy for assessing and using tools in digital research; and third, in relation to a systematic overview in regard to a wide and very diverse range of suppliers and developers in the field of digital tools and resources. Hence, researchers often find it difficult to make well-founded decisions when it comes to the selection and application of such technologies, solutions, and methods, an assumption confirmed also by the concept study compiled in the DFG project "Future e-Research Support in the Humanities" (FuReSH). Yet, it is apparent that teaching and method training programs usually address digital research methods as well as the range of available tools only contingently and often inadequately. Scholarly Makerspaces aim to provide a flexible low-threshold solution to meet those shortcomings in respect to specific local requirements. An initial implementation of such a solution will take place as a prototype at the University Library of the Humboldt University of Berlin in collaboration with the Humboldt University’s Chair of Digital History and the Institute of Library and Information Science. It will, at the same time, be provided as a generic model solution for other institutions. The implementation aligns three interlinked focal points: 1. infrastructure: tools, space, reference services 2. tool literacy: training and consultation 3. community building: collaboration and networking. The infrastructure part emphasises the provision of any physical and digital resources that target groups need for their respective research objectives. The presentation follows the course of an ideal research process from the collection and indexing of material to analysis and publication. Modularised solutions are offered for individual steps. The approach is based on various motivational scenarios, ranging from general information up to concrete training with specific tools or an informed selection of resources for concrete research projects. The second emphasis - Tool Literacy - curates solutions for competency-related training and knowledge transfer. In addition to the direct resources of the Scholarly Makerspaces, other suitable services and expertise from the university as well as external providers are integrated. Generally, Scholarly Makerspaces consistently focus on openness, collaboration and networking according to the broader library concept of "makerspaces". Scholarly Makerspaces regard themselves to be stakeholders in the field of digital research with a focus on mediation and communication. Therefore, the third emphasis - community building - focuses on active and formative networking with other stakeholders from research networks, IT development as well as the digital humanities community.
DFG Programme
Research data and software (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)