The aim of this transfer project is to further develop the methods for quantifying uncertainty of the Collabora-tive Research Center (CRC) 805 "Control of Uncertainty in Load-Carrying Systems of Mechanical Engineer-ing" in order to improve the model-based prediction of vibroacoustic vehicle properties. The knowledge trans-fer of the methods considered in the CRC 805 into industrial practice will be implemented using the example of the BMW X3 production vehicle. Within the scope of the transfer project, an improvement of the model-based prediction for vibroacoustic vehicle properties will be realized, which, in addition to data uncertainty, also takes into account model uncertainty and structural uncertainty due to a large number of configuration variants. With the results of the transfer project T9, the added value for an improvement of the model-based prediction with methods of uncertainty quantification can be proven for the industrial practice.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres (Transfer Project)