The aim of this research project is to develop a theory of the role of families for the long-term and sustainable success of family firms. We will do this by integrating the existing research avenues on family business and business model research from strategic management. To observe the emergence and transmission of the family business model development ‘over time’ and across institutional contexts we will use a comparative approach between Poland and Germany. A secondary aim of the project is to contribute not only to a theoretical but also practical understanding of how Socio-emotional wealth and transgenerational intent evolves in relatively young polish founder firms and how they transform themselves into family businesses.The current lack of theorizing on business models beyond a phenomenological approach has been traced back to the lack of opportunity to observe the emergence and change of business models. To the best of our knowledge there are no comparative studies of business models and business model development in general, or for family firms especially which address cultural and institutional embeddedness of said business models. This study design will not only enable us to compare younger and more mature family firms but will do so in two radically differing economic and institutional contexts. Through this approach we will be able to isolate family and firm specific aspects from institutional contexts.The added value of the international cooperation will not be only created through addressing the aforementioned objectives but will do so by overcoming prevailing methodological issues as well. Existing comparisons are often drawn post-hoc by combining results from different studies or of a quasi-scientific nature (e.g. assembled through consulting firms). These kinds of comparisons with no reference to the sample selection methodology, characteristics of enterprises in question, cultural and legal conditions, time period, etc. must be considered as biased at best. We will overcome these methodological mistakes by initiating international and interdisciplinary research teams that will jointly work at all stages of the research process. The results of this project will not only contribute to our theoretical understanding but will have massive policy implications. By understanding under what circumstances and how entrepreneurial firms transform themselves and their business models into family firms policy makers will be able to decide on basic regulatory and economic policy measures concerning the question in how far it would be possible or desirable to mimic the German Mittelstand in younger economies.
DFG Programme
Research Grants
International Connection