Many high-tech areas intensively use in silico (computational) models to accelerate the development of their products. This is not necessarily true for the development of modern diagnostic and individualised treatment methods. In this field, however, most existing in silico models are limited to single scales (e.g. cell, tissue) or generic multi-scale models of individual organs (e.g. individual muscle, liver). To understand symptoms and diseases, however, several spatial and temporal scales must be considered. A central task of numerical biomechanics and biomedical research is therefore to develop robust coupling methods and strategies. These must integrate the scales of biological systems from molecules to complete organ systems or organisms.The challenge hereby is to adequately, efficiently, and robustly model the high complexity of biological systems. To do so, a close cooperation between medicine, engineering sciences, numerical mathematics (numerics) and computer science is required. In particular, the description of multi-scale system models requires innovative coupling strategies that incorporate state-of-the-art computer architectures, new and robust numerical methods, data structures and integration possibilities. In addition, the simulation results must be prepared in collaborative research with medical scientists for transfer to the clinic and for application with clinical questions.The aim of this Priority Programme is to co-design robust, computational, continuum-biomechanical models by developing new methods combining research in modelling, numerics and medical applications. The focus hereby is on models of active biological systems in the human organism, to advance methods that can later be integrated within a clinical environment, and to define the interfaces between model and clinical application; the Priority Programme, however, does not aim to establish the transfer of the models into the clinic via clinical trials. The programme will concentrate on coupling strategies for "active" biological systems. The definition of "active" refers to systems that experience a change of state due to physical, chemical, and/or biological phenomena or stimuli. Examples are metabolic processes, growth and remodelling, or electrical stimulation.
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes